Staying Healthy During COVID-19 A Message From Ashley Selman & the Evolution Team
Update 5/07/20 12:00 p.m. PT:
Update 3/22/20 5:00 p.m. PT:
Evolution Clients,
Wow….what a week! I am still whirling from all that we are continuing to learn about the current Covd-19 situation. First and foremost, I hope that you and your family are staying safe and strong during this unsettling time. I feel confident that your workouts at Evolution have helped you prepare for this time of digging deep and staying resilient.
I have been busy this week – transitioning to providing excellent virtual services in order to support all of our amazing clients, as well as trying to do everything I can to sustain Evolution as a business, in order to make it to the other side of this!
A couple of notes:
1. For those of you who want to continue supporting your independent trainer or therapist (who are all self-employed and unfortunately don’t qualify for most of the government assisted programs), the best way you can do this is to continue working with them virtually. This will not only help them maintain some income, but this will help YOU stay on track with your fitness and mental health during this stressful time.
We have already had several clients say how much BETTER virtual training is than they thought it would be! :)) So, if you are financially able, please give it a try! We don’t think you’ll regret it!
2. I have been humbled by those of you who have reached out and generously asked that we continue to bill you for your facility fees and small group memberships during this time. I am so appreciative and can assure you that this will be critically helpful during this time of mandatory closure (which is causing Evolution to lose a minimum of 80% of its monthly revenue).
3. We want to return the favor and support you during this time, as well! Steve Saxe & I will be providing TWO 45-minute recorded workouts every week to our personal training members, and FIVE 45-minute LIVE Zoom workouts per week to our small group members, so that you can still get great workouts from your trusted Evolution trainers, in the safety of your own home!
Stay tuned for more offers we will be making to continue supporting your health & fitness during this time.
4. We understand that this period is a challenging time for many who are losing jobs, or struggling to keep your own businesses open. So, please feel free to reach out to if you need to suspend your monthly membership until we are open again. You will still receive our 2 recorded workouts each week, as we want to support all of our current and former Evo clients!
As always, feel free to reach out if you need anything. I personally receive all responses!
In solidarity with our community close and far….let’s stick together through this!
Update 3/16/20 5:40 p.m. PT:
Evolution Clients,
Update 3/15/20 4 p.m. PT:
Evolution Community,
I want to give everyone a further update on the status of Evolution during this time. As always, we are committed to doing all that we can to maintain a healthy and safe environment for our clients and staff.
We are prepared to shut down the facility, if it becomes clear that that is the responsible thing to do for our community. Until that point, we are going above and beyond county guidelines and precautions within our facility.
Here are some updated policies that we’re implementing:
Based on current county regulations, as of now we WILL be remaining open this coming week. We are keeping a daily eye on updates to ensure we are in compliance, and if anything changes we will let you know immediately.
We have cancelled our small group sessions in order to keep our numbers below the County guidelines of not more than 35 people in a space at once.
We are fortunate that we have a large, open air space, and with our lower volumes of people we will have no problem staying below these numbers and keeping appropriate social distance.
We understand that there will be some clients that do not want to (and some that SHOULD not) continue coming in to Evolution during this time.
Thank you all for stepping up and let’s continue to support each other so we can get through this together.
Update 3/11/20 10 p.m. PT:
Evolution Clients,
As a follow up to our previous communication, we wanted to say THANK YOU for supporting our efforts to maintain a safe community. The purpose of Evolution is to support you and your health and we are doing everything we can to continue with that mission during this time.
As most of you know, the COVID-19 virus is primarily spread from close person-to-person contact when an infected person coughs or sneezes (within 3-6 feet). Also, according to the CDC, “it may be possible that a person can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.”
With these guidelines in mind, here are a couple more ways we are maintaining a safe environment at Evolution.
1. DAILY FOGGING: Along with our increase in cleaning the facility, wiping down the equipment and having Purell available for you, we will also be fogging the entire facility in the evenings with a natural product that kills 99.9% of all viruses. Here are details on the product we are using.
This is based on advice from our cleaning experts at Citrus Plus who are on top of current best practices for the virus. Here is a short video from the founder of Citrus Plus on their cleaning recommendations during this time.
More from Citrus Plus cleaning at Evolution Trainers:
Turf Cleaning | Rubber Cleaning | Probiotic Sanitizer
2. DISCONTINUING AIR-CIRCULATING MACHINES: We are temporarily discontinuing the use of our rowing machines and assault bikes inside the studio, as both of these machines have built-in fans that blow air while in use. We will also not be using our fans during this time.
3. PRIORITIZE YOUR HEALTH: One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself during this time is to stay healthy! Get sleep, eat well, stay hydrated (drinking water every 15 minutes is a recommended strategy that can help prevent the virus from getting into your lungs), workout and manage your stress!
4. WHO SHOULD STAY HOME?: If you personally have compromised lungs or immunity, we ask you to be responsible for your own healthy by staying home to protect yourself. And of course if you are sick, or are around someone who is sick in your household, we request that you do the responsible thing by staying home, as well.
We are here to be a healthy resource for you. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Thank you!
March 3rd, 2020
Dear Evolution Client,
I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to send a brief notice regarding the precautionary measures we are taking at Evolution Trainers in light of currently available information about the coronavirus.
The best way to slow or stop the spread of the virus is to stay home and avoid interaction with others if you are not feeling well. As such, we have asked trainers to stay home at the first sign of cold and flu-like symptoms. We are asking the same of you, as well as your understanding if your trainer is unexpectedly absent.
Evolution’s Precautions:
- Trainers & staff have been advised to take extra precautions by wiping down equipment after each use with Gym wipes.
- Gym Wipes are available in the gym and we welcome your help ensuring that all equipment is cleaned after your use.
- Our facility is professionally cleaned 6 days a week and we are being extra diligent in wiping down all surfaces.
- We have Purell placed all around the gym. Please disinfect your hands throughout your session.
- Hand washing is the best way to prevent spreading or contracting the virus, so make sure to wash your hands for at least 20 seconds after your session.
We are staying up to date:
- Any directives from the World Health Organization, CDC, or local governmental organizations will be followed.
- Please click here for the most up-to-date information on the coronavirus from the CDC.
If you have questions, concerns or feedback, please feel free to respond to this email or call us at 650-965-8991.
Thank you!